16/03/18 - 16:28 label
- id: 97
- emplacement: list
- description: Competition for the renovation of a communal building into a cultural center.
- type: Cultural
- size: 673
- status: 7
- city: 40
- country: 6
- year: 2011
- collaboration:
- featured_image:
- gallery: a:9:{i:0;s:3:"650";i:1;s:3:"642";i:2;s:3:"643";i:3;s:3:"644";i:4;s:3:"645";i:5;s:3:"646";i:6;s:3:"647";i:7;s:3:"649";i:8;s:3:"648";}
- copyright:
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15/03/18 - 15:40 label
- id: 90
- emplacement: list
- description: Competition for the renovation of a house.
- type: Private housing
- size: 188
- status: 7
- city: 40
- country: 6
- year: 2013
- collaboration:
- featured_image: 561
- gallery: a:8:{i:0;s:3:"560";i:1;s:3:"561";i:2;s:3:"563";i:3;s:3:"564";i:4;s:3:"565";i:5;s:3:"566";i:6;s:3:"567";i:7;s:3:"562";}
- copyright:
Comments Off on velux